Boy Attacked by Snake as Photographers Watch.


The photo is actually a still photo from the Discovery Channel series Nature’s Deadliest which aired in 2008. This specific scene is from episode 4 entitled Africa 2. The scene actually shows a girl – not a boy as many readers assume. The girl is attacked by an African Rock Python and her friend runs to get help. A man comes to assist, fights the snake off of the girl, only to have the snake turn on him. The man is then killed in the attack.
To reiterate, the entire scene is merely a dramatization and did not actually happen. Below are a couple of screen shots taken from the same episode ofNature’s Deadliest.
The show began with a disclaimer that the episode may be disturbing to some viewers.
First, let’s take a look at the photo which has been circulated since around 2010. The photo is often accompanied by angry commentary covering topics such as class and racial warfare. What is perhaps missed in the discussion, aside from the fact that the scene is a work of fiction, is that it shows a white man dying while rescuing the child. It should also be noted that National Geographic had nothing to do with this show, and the logo was apparently superimposed on the graphic later.
During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip